STARTER KIT PLUS™ Different Chemistry – Unmatched Results
What it is
The Starter Kit Plus™ – is super advanced - proprietary GREEN cleaning and lubrication technology for ALL firearms. Each kit contains the products below – enough to take care of a lot of guns!
- Accuracy Oil™ 2oz
- Carbon Destroyer™ 2oz
- Copper/Lead Destroyer™ 2oz
- Accuracy Grease™ ¼ oz
- Crystal Clear™ 2oz
What it does
The chemistry in the kit has all the phenomenal firearm cleaning and lubrication products needed to MAXIMIZE the performance, reliability, and life of your guns. There is NO other kit with formulas like this on the PLANET.
- Accuracy Oil™ – metal enhancing, friction reduction (unmatched 90%), low-stick barrier lubricant
- Carbon Destroyer™ – deep cleans carbon from the surface and micro-pores of metal
- Copper/Lead Destroyer™ – non-etching copper and lead removal cleaning formula
- Accuracy Grease™ – friction reducing grease to be used in key spots on firearms
- Crystal Clear™ – specialty optics cleaner
16 Great Reasons to Switch to Spartan Chemistry
- Improved accuracy (noticeable 90%+ of the time)
- Noticeably Smoother action – great functionality
- Decrease operating temperatures under heavy firing by 10-40%
- Reduces or eliminates “mirage effect” coming from the barrel
- Protects from & REMOVES corrosion
- Extended barrel life (up to 50-500%)
- More shots before the “need to clean” (typically 2-4X more rounds)
- Dramatically faster cleaning (cuts cleaning time up to 75%)
- Low Odor – great for use indoors (nose friendly)
- Safe GREEN - American made chemistry
- Excellent on ALL types of firearms (muzzle-loader to machine guns)
- Super LOW-STICK surface rejects FUZZ, Lint & MOON-DUST
- The Starter Kit Plus has EVERYTHING you need in one package
- Proven & endorsed by top shooters around the world
- Part of the World Record 5,025 yd shot by Charlie Melton
This kit is the best because it has everything you need to bring your guns up to the next level of performance and keep them there. It is our #1 selling product. What separates the chemistry in this kit from everything else on the market is that each product plays a key part in the “system.” The “system” produces a significant number of unique and valuable benefits to users that no one else can replicate. The cleaners are typically referred to by people in the industry as “the best they have ever used.” (Have you ever seen a gun cleaner remove Cosmoline? – ours does – Carbon Destroyer XX™ is even more concentrated and even better in removing really nasty stuff). Copper/Lead Destroyer™ is fantastic. It might take a little longer in some cases but will not etch metal or etch the inside of your brain, like some copper removers can sadly do. Crystal Clear™ is the favorite of many gunsmiths and armorers too – safe on optics with specialty coatings, slightly anti-fog and anti-static, and can be used to clean glasses, sun-glasses, smart phones, and the exterior of your firearms. The Accuracy Oil™ and Accuracy Grease™ reduce friction by around 90% and protect the metal from wear, and give the metal a low-stick surface, usually getting the WOW factor.
The primary benefits that are ONLY ACHIEVED WITH USING OUR PRODUCTS in the kit as a “system” include: immediate enhanced smoother action, increased accuracy, dramatically increased reliability in all environments, longer barrel life, corrosion protection, and significantly faster cleaning (typically 50% less time) with more shooting between cleanings (typically 2-4X longer), plus a great optics cleaner safe for use on even specialty coatings (and known for even removing DOG-SNOT). All of this is American made, safe to use GREEN formulas – perfect for use in confined spaces (no longer need to go to the garage) – women love it too (safe around kids, pets and on painted fingernails (we have been told).
The Spartans
In an operation where firearms are required only two things count---consistent accuracy and functionality! My group has tested and used these formulas for over 18 months in the most difficult environments and hostile situations from the tropics to the desert, from the mountains to the jungle. We applied the total MSS system (cleaners and lubricants) to weapons ranging from .338’s to our SS226, from MP5SD’s to our HK MK23’s and M-4’s. We have consistently attained higher velocities, smaller shot groups, cleaner operation, and overall greater accuracy from all weapons.
We have had only one functional stoppage in tens of thousands of rounds and that was due to a misguided rock. The Carbon Destroyer cleans better than anything we have ever used. The difference in performance is demonstrative across the board. Take the test yourself, clean your weapon with your normal kit, then clean it again with MSS and see the difference for yourself. I’ll leave the scientific stuff to the scientist. This stuff works in the real world!
Thom Hawke – military
Thank You Modern Spartan
While using all products from modern Spartan system, I have gotten nothing by compliments and people wanting to buy your products. Of those, I do nothing but show off and recommend your products and am confident that your products work flawlessly in all conditions because I have used them all in the worst, hardest conditions anyone can put them through.
Thank you for the sample kit I got so long ago and thank you for making amazing products. I hope this helps in some way and goes to show your products are kick-ass and there is nothing else on the market like them (trust me, I have tried them all).
Phillip Decker - 1-503rd IN 173rd Airborne - Fireteam Leader/Gun Team Leader
Accuracy Oil™ (top firearm lube on the planet) DESTROYS Friction – Highlight Video
DISAPPEARING CARBON trick with Carbon Destroyer™ - Hiperfire

Gary Larson – Guardian Long Range Testimonial (VIDEO)
Spartan’s SAFE, GREEN, American-made chemistry is DIFFERENT FROM and SIGNIFICANTLY OUTPERFORMS the competition. “OPTIMIZATION” means that we make precision engineered “tools” more precise. We do this with our SUPER-Cleaners combined with our PROPRIETARY anti-friction/low-stick technology (friction is reduced by an AMAZING 90%). We provide both consumer and commercial/industrial products.
The Spartan definition of “IMPROVEMENT” shows itself in terms of: ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, FEEL, PERFORMANCE, ASSET LIFE, LOWER-MAINTENANCE, CORROSON CONTROL, EASE AND SPEED OF CLEANING, FUEL EFFICIENCY (for cars…) and more FREE TIME to ENJOY using your guns, fishing reels, vehicles… while they perform at an optimal level.